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Tar Sands Oil Development Could Claim More Than 160 Million Boreal Birds

New Science-Based Report Outlines Devastating Impact for Birds in U.S. and Canada

CHICAGO (December 2, 2008) – Extraction and refining of heavy oil from Canada’s tar sands is taking a significant toll on migratory birds throughout North America, according to a report released today. DANGER IN THE NURSERY: Impact on Birds of Tar Sands Oil Development in Canada’s Boreal Forest is a new peer-reviewed policy and science document outlining the current and projected impacts the tar sands oil industry is having on migratory bird populations in the Boreal forest of Alberta and along the hemisphere’s flyways.  Watch this interview with Dr. Jeff Wells on the Boreal Forest and the impact of the tar sands development on the forest and wildlife habitat in Alberta, Canada.

The report is available online at http://www.borealbirds.org/birdstarsands.shtml and you can get the fact sheet on the Tar Sands here http://www.borealbirds.org/resources/factsheet-ibcc-tarsands.pdf .  There is also a fact sheet on the Boreal Forests here http://www.borealbirds.org/resources/factsheet-bsi-overview.pdf

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  • Tina December 13, 2008, 6:12 am

    Listened to the report on the Boreal Forests, very interesting …didn’t realize how many of the birds I see in our backyard breed in the Boreal Forests! These are such difficult times for man and beast, hopefully we will come to some kind of understanding which will leave our bird habitats intact and allow these creatures to continue to thrive and visit our backyards..I worry about what my children’s children will see in their backyards some day? I guess my parents probably thought the same types of questions..they were also quite the nature lovers! Thanks for sharing.

  • Larry December 13, 2008, 9:30 am

    @Tina I too worry about the environment for our children and their children. If we don’t work hard and fast to get off of the oil standard, I’m afraid it doesn’t look too good. Can you imagine how different the world would be right now if we had begun weaning ourselves off of oil 20 years ago?