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Maybe it’s because the American Coot (Fulica americana) is the most abundant and widely distributed species of rail in North America that it gets no respect? I mean we see them everywhere, in almost any of a broad variety of wetlands, including freshwater lakes, ponds, marshes, roadside ditches, and industrial-waste impoundments, as well as in coastal marine habitats. As we come upon winter, we often find Coots in rafts of thousands!

American Coot Raft

Even if you don’t appreciate the American Coot adult, you have to love their hatchlings like the one in the featured image above and these little guys being fed by their parent at Lassen Volcanic National Park.

American Coot Feeding Young

But I think the adult Coot is a cool bird in its own right. Just look at that cool red iris…

American Coot

and the very cool lobed green feet!

They are somewhat awkward on land…

American Coot

and they must make a long running start on the water surface to get airborne…

American Coot Take Off

but all in all, I think they are a very handsome bird, from head…

American Coot

to tail.

American Coot

Plus, American Coots may be smarter than you think. Following is a video I shot of some Coots picking up the morsels brought to the surface by a few Ring-necked Ducks as the ducks dove for their meal.


Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Dark-eyed Junco Female

Today, I want to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving! At this time of year our hearts go out to those who are enduring severe hardships across our country. Especially in California, where we have had the worst fires in our history, people have lost everything. Many have lost their homes and many have lost their lives. I especially want to thank our firefighters and first responders for all they do.  I urge you all to do what you can to help those less fortunate.


The Juniper Titmouse Nesting Project

Juniper Titmouse

My friend Rebecca Carrier wrote a guest post on my behalf as my latest contribution to 10000 Birds. She was part of a Juniper Titmouse nesting project for Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Go check it out!


The Juniper Titmouse Nesting Project

The Juniper Titmouse (Baeolophus ridgwayi) is a passerine bird in the tit family Paridae. The American Ornithologists’ Union split the Plain Titmouse (Parus inornatus) into the Oak Titmouse and the Juniper Titmouse in 1996, due to distinct differences in song, preferred habitat, and genetic makeup. The featured image above is a Creative Commons (CC) photo from Rich Hoeg. You can see the full sized image here. Below is my photo of the Oak Titmouse (Baeolophus inornatus). Click on the photo for a full sized image. You can also see my 10000 Birds post on the Oak Titmouse here.

Oak Titmouse

Thanks to my friend Rebecca Carrier for penning this post for 10,000 Birds on my behalf.

Like many Santa Feans, I live next to a piñon-juniper (PJ) pygmy forest, a fairly dense area of small evergreens in the high-desert. One of my favorite bird species living by my house is the Juniper Titmouse. It’s not flashy – very drab grey, actually – but I like watching its antics. A busy bird, it’s skilled at acrobatics as it reaches for piñon nuts or hops around the trees outside my window. And, like the name implies, it is found mainly in the PJ forests of the six western states that have this type of habitat.

In 2017, my neighborhood, Aldea de Santa Fe, began a Juniper Titmouse Nesting Box Project in collaboration with the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s NestWatch Program. The Aldea Birding Group that spearheaded this project placed 70 nest boxes in our open spaces and pulled in volunteers to monitor them during the bird’s mating season. Well, as a birder, how can you resist getting involved? I kept an eye on two boxes for several months this year (below Juniper Titmouse (CC) courtesy TJfromAZ’s  Flickr page).

Juniper Titmouse courtesy of TJfromAZ (CC) on Flickr

Although the Juniper Titmouse is not officially a threatened species, its numbers have been declining due to loss of habitat. Aldea also received a National Wildlife Federation Certified Community Wildlife Habitat designation, so the community’s goal is not only to see how many nesting pairs we can count, but also to improve the habitat. Hopefully, we can increase its numbers through preservation and permaculture, as well as the Mountain Chickadee and Bewick’s Wren, which are also declining.

Juniper Titmouse

So, how many chicks hatched in my two boxes? None. But a Bewick’s Wren did build a nest, which it promptly abandoned before laying any eggs. Others had more luck. This year, the community counted nine Bewick’s Wren nests with 36 fledglings; 10 Juniper Titmouse nests with 38 fledglings; and one Mountain Chickadee nest with five fledglings. A total of 79 fledged, which beat our 2017 count of 52. We like to believe the increased numbers are due to our enhancement and preservation of the habitat. But perhaps “tweets” simply went out that Aldea is a great place to raise chicks.

This year, we received the following comment from Robyn Bailey of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: “The Aldea Bird Group is by far the largest contributor of Juniper Titmouse nesting data that we have (72% of submissions). We at NestWatch are very excited that this group has burst onto the scene and quickly become our primary source of information about this species. In fact, they have risen to become the most active Nest Watching group in New Mexico (regardless of species), contributing 77% of the state’s data in 2018.”

Not bad for our little-known spot on the map. I’ll let you know how it goes next year.