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Gray Fox and Save the Gray Wolf – Camera Critters #32

Gray Fox Hanging Out In Our Front Yard photo by Larry Jordan

This Gray Fox and his family have been hanging around our house of late.  They are great fun to watch and it is a joy just to be able to see them.  I have another friend that I would like everyone to help save from the chopping block.

Gray WolfHe is the Gray Wolf.  The 1995 reintroduction of gray wolves to Yellowstone National Park and central Idaho was a huge step toward restoring the balance in the northern Rocky Mountains. Elk spend less time grazing sensitive streamsides where they can’t see wolves approaching, willows and cottonwoods have proliferated as a result, and that means a new lease on life for beavers, fish, and songbirds. Carrion-eaters such as bears and eagles now have more to eat, too. Even foxes have benefited as wolves displace coyotes, which prey on the foxes.

Please take the time to go to the Center For Biological Diversity and sign the petition.  Then go to Camera Critters to see the rest of the photos 😉

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  • Cathy November 16, 2008, 1:48 pm

    I enjoyed the fox photo, and agree with you about the reintroduction of wolves. They’ve been reintroduced to areas of Arizona, and it seems that most packs are doing well. People never seem to think that all creatures are where they are for a reason. Take just one away, and the consequences can be quite unexpected.

  • April November 16, 2008, 1:59 pm

    The Gray Fox looks quite comfortable ‘hanging out’ with you. Such a wonderful visitor to your yard. Beautiful photos! Wolves are amazing animals, part of the balance of nature.

  • sandy November 16, 2008, 2:48 pm

    the red foxeds locally ate all the pond ducks

    sandys last blog post..sing it mon

  • Larry November 16, 2008, 9:36 pm

    @Cathy I loved the Grand Canyon trip. Thanks!

    @April the Bald Eagle captures are wonderful. I hope you do the Christmas Bird Count. I will be posting a reminder to everyone real soon.

    @Sandy, love the dreads on the horse. And the ducks, too fat to fly away from the foxes or what?