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Water Ouzel

American Dipper or Water Ouzel (Cinclus mexicanus) Feeding Nestlings

One of the best things about our annual Audubon chapter’s Lassen Park campout is that we get to see several species of mountain birds that we don’t normally see in the Sacramento Valley. I know for a certainty that I will be able to see one of my favorites, the American Dipper whenever I visit the park. Now you can see the full story of the Water Ouzel at its nest by checking out my latest West Coast Beat Writer post at 10000 Birds.


Great Horned Owl with Owlets

Please head on over to 10000 Birds to read my latest post on the Expansion of Hunting and Fishing Opportunities on National Wildlife Refuges. You might also want to read my latest post, and join me in urging congress to End Cruel Trapping on National Wildlife Refuges. Did you know that an estimated 300 refuges allow trapping of wild animals? The vast majority of trappers utilizing body-gripping traps, many of which are banned in over 88 countries! Why are they still allowed in the United States?

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Nuttall's Woodpecker Juvenile

There are many more photos of this juvenile Nuttall’s Woodpecker (Picoides nuttallii) that was raiding my plum tree in my latest West Coast Beat Writer post over at 10000 Birds. Go check it out!




The Regal Western Kingbird at 10000 Birds

Western Kingbird


Don’t miss Western Kingbirds. It’s all about the Western Kingbird (Tyrannus verticalis).

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