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Patriot and Liberty Begin Refurbishing the Nest

Bald Eagle Liberty at Turtle Bay photos by Larry Jordan

The Bald Eagle pair that have been nesting at Turtle Bay for the past six years, Patriot and Liberty, are beginning to refurbish their nest and display bonding behavior.  Since the new bridge and trail over highway 44 have been completed, there are excellent viewing areas accessible to everyone.

I took this photo of Liberty positioning a stick that was brought to the nest by her mate, Patriot, just before sunset last week.  Once the daylight hours get longer, I hope to get some better photos and some video of the pair engaged in nesting and breeding behavior.To see some great bird photography, check out Bird Photography Weekly.


It’s been about two months since BirdingBlogs.com launched their multi-author blog platform and it is developing into one of the top blogs for birders on the net.  The brainchild of blogger and bird guide, Gunnar Engblom of Birding Peru and Kolibri Expeditions Birding Tours, the authors include Kenn Kaufman, Rich Hoyer and my friend Dawn Fine from the US, Rebecca Nason, Martin Garner and Tom McKinney from the UK, György Szimuly from Hungary, Dale Forbes from Austria and Susan Myers from Australia, as well as Gunnar himself.

If you follow my blog, you probably know my friend Dawn Fine of Dawn’s Bloggy Blog.  She has undoubtedly brought more birders from all over the U.S. together for birding trips than anyone else on the planet.  Dawn and her husband Jeff are two wonderful folks and if you get a chance to meet and go birding with them, do it!  You will have a blast!

Well, Dawn invited me to be this weeks “Featured Bird Blogger” on Birding Blogs and, of course, I told her I would be honored.  I know everyone is busy and it is Christmas Eve and we are hopefully spending time with our friends and family, but when you find some time, check out Dawn’s latest post featuring your humble bird blogger (me) as the Featured Bird Blogger of the Week.


Merry Christmas – Hallelujah Flash Mob

If you haven’t seen this Hallelujah Chorus surprise flash mob video, turn up your speakers and enjoy an uplifting holiday treat!

These flash mob events are planned in secret, by email or on the internet, and carried out in front of unsuspecting onlookers in public places.

Have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year in 2011!


Another great West Coast birding hotspot revealed from my 10000 Birds Beat Writer post.  Go check out Anderson River Park Never Disappoints at 10000 Birds and please, leave me a comment.  I love hearing from you!