Bald Eagle Liberty at Turtle Bay photos by Larry Jordan
The Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) at Turtle Bay were named by the citizens of Redding California, Liberty (the female shown above) and Patriot, the male. They have been nesting at Turtle Bay since the fall of 2004 (see previous post).
I was waiting for one of the adults to come back to the nest with some food for the eaglets so I could get some photos of them feeding the little ones, though they are not so little any more. I must have been distracted because I looked up at one point and there was Liberty at the back of the nest pulling off pieces of fish.
The eaglets were born three days apart and this is the older youngster at the front of the nest (click on photos for full sized image).
As Liberty tears off pieces of fish to feed the siblings, they are having a tug of war with the last offering.

Here she seems to be giving a scolding look to the older sibling as she tries to feed the younger one.
But then again, maybe it’s just my imagination.
That’s a pretty good chunk of fish there! Gimme that Mom!
The younger sibling is down in the nest.
Here is a video I shot of Liberty feeding the eaglets.
Mom decides she’s done enough feeding for now and makes her way toward the roosting branch next to and just above the nest as the eaglet looks on.

“Exit, stage left …”
“What are you looking at? I know I have fish all over my beak.”
“I’ll clean it off on this branch here.”

With a clean beak, Liberty flew over the highway to the perching tree (seen in the top photo) where these Bald Eagles can often be seen taking a well deserved break from the never ending chores of raising two hungry eaglets.
These eaglets, named Stormy and Windy for the tumultuous early days in the nest where they and their parents had to brave several storms, will be starting to “branch” soon. Testing their wings and building strength by flapping their wings and hopping to branches near the nest.

Toward the end of June sometime, they should be ready to fledge. I hope I’m there to see the maiden voyage but for now, they will just sit tight.

If you want to see some great bird photos, get on over to Bird Photography Weekly!
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Those are some awesome shots! I agree – that was a “mother means business” look! 🙂
the babies are so big and their beaks are so incredibly large it is hard to think of them as youngsters who cannot fend for themselves. great shots!!!
Great series! Just can’t get enough of young birds!
great shots from the eagles daily life. 🙂
I am always awed at the majesty of the Bald Eagles and your photos captured them beautifully.
The names of the eagles at Redding sound like Jeep models. 🙂