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Why Are Heermann’s Gulls Listed as Near Threatened?

Heermann's Gull

Wonder why the Heermann’s Gull (Larus heermanni) are listed as Near Threatened (NR) by the IUCN? Check out my latest West Coast Beat Writer post over at 10000 Birds!


California Gulls at 10000 Birds

California Gull First Winter

Why are gulls so difficult to ID? Check out my latest post on the California Gull over at 10000 Birds.


Cassin’s Finches Arrive at 10000 Birds

Cassin's Finch Male

Cassin’s Finch (Carpodacus cassinii) male photographed at Lassen Volcanic National Park is being featured (click on photos for full sized images) along with his female partner…

Cassin's Finch Female

in my latest West Coast Beat Writer post at 10000 Birds. You can see several photos of these two as well as a couple of their close relative, the Purple Finch (Carpodacus purpureus). I also included song recordings of both species in the post. Go check it out!


Mountain Bluebirds at Lassen Volcanic National Park

Mountain Bluebird Male

Mountain Bluebird (Sialia currucoides)

Don’t miss the Mountain Bluebird spotted at Lassen Volcanic National Park I posted over at 10000 Birds. There are several other birds pictured in the piece as well as some cool mammals like the Marmot!

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