Least Sandpipers (Calidris minutilla) photos by Larry Jordan
The three common small sandpipers resident in North America are collectively called “peeps.” The Least Sandpiper (Calidris minutilla) is the smallest of the peeps measuring a mere 6 inches.
To see a flock of these small shorebirds flying and turning in unison, changing from dark to light and back again, is truly a treat to behold.
It’s also fun to watch them forage on the mudflats as I did a few weeks ago at the Arcata Marsh.
Breeding mainly in subarctic tundra and far northern boreal forest over much of North America, the Least Sandpiper prefers coastal wetlands or subalpine sedge meadows for nesting. They migrate on a broad front across North America, with eastern populations likely undertaking nonstop transoceanic migrations of 3,000 to 4,000 kilometers1. Map courtesy of Birds of North America Online.

These peeps are in non-breeding plumage which always makes them more difficult to identify. Click on photos for full sized images.
A simple way to distinguish the Least Sandpiper from other peeps is their legs. Besides being slightly smaller, the Least Sandpiper is browner looking and has yellowish or greenish legs whereas the other peeps have blackish legs.
I caught this little one actually standing still for a brief moment.
This is most likely a juvenile Least Sandpiper. Notice that it is more colorful than some of the others, with extensive rufous on its shoulders and upperparts.
If you get a chance to see this little peep, take the time to watch them for awhile. They are bundles of energy.
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References: 1Birds of North America Online
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love the 2nd to last shot. cute little birds.
Good close ups!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.
Lovely sandpipers to see Larry and thanks for sharing the video clip…
Amazing shots and beautiful little birds!
Great shots Larry.
Love the video clip.
Gorgeous photos! And the scenery is wonderful!
Great video clip Larry, it really helps to understand the energetic nature of these kinetic birds. Still photography has a tough time with that. Thanks for the ride brother, you do the sandpiper great justice!
Wonderful images, post and clip. To see so many at one time I’m sure was incredible.
Great photos of the smallest of all the sandpipers.
@Theresa that is probably my favorite shot of the group too 😉
@Gary thanks!
@Andrew you are very welcome. I’m really enjoying my new video camera. I like sharing the behavior of the birds in video
@Tracey thank you. It was fun photographing them
@Keith thanks a bunch!
@Brian I’m glad you liked the scenery too
@Dave thanks! I love doing the video too!
@Debbie it’s so cool to see the flocks of shorebirds flying here and there. Enchanting really
@Mick thank you
Hi there – we get heaps of Red Necked Stints down here for our summer – very similar looking bird.
Now, if my gulls were trained I would have been able to get the “both looking right shot” – and believe me I tried!
Superb post Larry, I love those cute little fellow rushing around, great video. Great shot of the little guy holding still to have his reflection show for you.
Most obliging.
Great shots of the beautiful birds!
Love the last 2 photos and video clip!
Love the video and the photos. Such eager busy little birds! Appreciate the info on their migration. Thanks, Larry.
Great captures of the least peeps! They are one of my favorites to photograph!
Lovely shots! Great to see these birds in action on video.
Fascinating post Larry. To see and photograph so many birds together must quite an experience. Very pretty birds!