Swainson’s Hawk (Buteo swainsoni) photos by Larry Jordan
This post is for World Bird Wednesday and Wordless Wednesday. Click on photos that will take you to a full sized image or a post on that species.
Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis)
Yellow-headed Blackbird (Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus)
Black-crowned Night Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax)
American Avocet (Recurvirostra americana)
Wilson’s Phalarope (Phalaropus tricolor)
I hope you enjoyed seeing a few of the many beautiful birds I saw on my trip to Plumas and Sierra Counties back in May.
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oh, the yellow-headed blackbird shot is spectacular!!! thanks for that!!
Great series!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.
Beautiful birds to see… my favourite is the Yellow-headed Blackbird a real beauty.
Love them all, but Yellow-headed Blackbird is my favourite!
Beautiful birds and great photos. I especially like the Avocet and Phalarope.
Those are some real beauties. Love the avocet and the phalarope especially.
Lovely selection Larry.
Beautiful birds and great photos of them! Many of them is all new to me.
Wonderful birds, Larry! I would love to add the last one to my life list. Awesome photos.
Love that yellow headed blackbird! Gorgeous!
Hi – great set of images – the waders are splendid.
I can see why my “blue bird” lines may have caught your attention! Not a bluebird at all really. I was also surprised at how big they were when I saw them first. Even if they do throw their weight about, I still like watching them.
Cheers SM
The yellow headed black bird catch is awesome. I have never seen one though a lady I met told me of an area that is supposed to be thick with them. I’ve been over there practically every week but no luck. I think they are gorgeous!
Given the collection you brought back I think you hit the May jack pot!
ooh, that American Avocet has quite the beak!
That’s a handsome bunch. I have recently taken up kayaking, and watching the birds feeding from the lilly pads is so much fun. That blackbird looks like he’s getting quite a workout 🙂
Thanks for the help with identifying my duck.
These are lovely! I’d love to see a Yellow-headed Blackbird!
Larry, I love the “looking at you” shot of the Swanson Hawk…but all your images are priceless moments. Thanks for sharing them.:)
I love all of them, what a beautiful collection so well presented.
Terrrific photos, Larry. I too love the Yellow-headed Blackbird best. There is something about the colors and the composition that sharpens the bird’s focus.
Well, I guess I’ll have to keep that wreath up now for the finches 🙂 You’ve convinced me! you mentioned you last brood of bluebirds…they must have more than 2? We only had one that I know of, but they really hung around for a long time after fledging. We are learning as we go. We have a young man at our church who makes the most handsome and sturdy bluebird houses. He sells all he makes 🙂
Thanks for the comment and the encouragement.
BTW, I failed to mention the gorgeous photographs of the yellow-headed blackbird and the avocet!! While, I’ve never studied it, I love how the bird’s knees go backwards of ours!
Also, I am sorry you are having such high temps there. Is there a fire hazard?
@Theresa thank you! I like that shot a lot myself
@Gary thanks
@Andrew those Yellow-headed Blackbirds are show stoppers
@Joo thanks. I’m beginning to see a trend 😉
@Mick thank you very much. I really enjoy the shorebirds
@Kathie thanks, me too
@Keith thank you very much
@Suzanne thank you for the comment and the visit!
@Eileen ah yes, the female Wilson’s Phalarope. One of a few bird species where the female is more brightly colored than the male. You can see my write up on them here
@Reena thanks! Another vote for the YHBL
@Stewart thank you. I still can’t believe how big that Purple Swamphen of yours is
@Dave the Yellow-headed Blackbirds are gorgeous and they do nest in large groups just like Red-winged Blackbirds. I did see lots of great birds, including a Peregrine Falcon that dove on a swallow and grabbed it in its talons in mid air!
Thanks again for hosting the best bird meme on the internet!
@Tammy, I can’t wait to get a kayak and get up close and personal to all the water birds that frequent our local lakes and rivers! About the ID, you are welcome but you ID’d the duck, I simply confirmed it 😉
@Pat if you are lucky enough to see a Yellow-headed Blackbird, you will probably see many
@Jean thank you. It’s my pleasure to share them
@Arija thank you very much!
@Hilke thank you for that kind comment!
@Jacqueline the bluebirds nested late this year. On the three bluebird trails I monitor, they have fledged a total of 49 young! Three pair raised two broods 😀
And yes, unfortunately there is always a fire hazard here in the summer
Amazing shots of wonderful birds! Avocets are a huge favorite of mine (one of the first that got me interested in birding)….your shots of the yellow-headed blackbird is wonderful,,, well all your pictures are of course. Thanks for sharing.
so many beauties. And so many favorites. 🙂