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Have You Seen a Barrow’s Goldeneye Lately?

Check out my newest West Coast Beat Writer’s post over at 10000 Birds!


The Hoodie, Yet Another Cavity Nesting Bird

Hooded Merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus) photos by Larry Jordan

I found some Hooded Mergansers in breeding plumage at Turtle Bay, playing and splashing in the morning sun.  The “hoodie” is the smallest of the mergansers (the other two being the common and the red-breasted) and the most distinct of the three, the drake displaying his vertical, fan-shaped white crest quite freely.

This fellow was standing on a rock in the morning glow preening and showing off his beautiful plumage.  Click on images for full sized photos.

Here he is with his crest up bearing his distinctive white crest, bordered in black, and those bright yellow eyes.

Hooded Mergansers have a more varied diet than the other mergansers but have the same “sawtooth” bill.  They will dive and capture small fish, aquatic insects, and crustaceans, particularly crayfish, with the aid of eyes well-adapted to underwater vision1.

Hoodies are one of several duck species, including the Common Merganser, Common Goldeneye, Barrow’s Goldeneye, Bufflehead and  Wood Duck,  that nest in tree cavities or nest boxes.  They usually start laying in late February or early March and possibly into April and May depending on latitude.  These ducks I saw at Turtle Bay were showing some mating activity so I’m sure they won’t be around much longer before they head farther north to breed.

The female Hooded Merganser was looking gorgeous as she preened on the rock next to the male.

The cinnamon crest, brown eyes and yellowish-orange lower mandible distinguish her from the drake.

Also her mostly brown plumage that she shows leisurely stretching atop this rock.

Here she is with her crest down and showing the white in her wings

And the juvenile male seen here didn’t have his adult plumage yet but was beginning to show some black and white markings on his breast.

I shot some video of him preening on the rock

To see more great bird photos, get on over to Bird Photography Weekly and World Bird Wednesday!

References: 1 Birds of North America Online


The Red-breasted Sapsucker Guards Its Sap Wells

Red-breasted Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus ruber) photos by Larry Jordan

I found this Red-breasted Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus ruber) at Lema Ranch the other day as I was checking on my Bluebird Trail there.  As I photographed this bird and followed its movements around the oak tree I discovered something about sapsuckers that I didn’t know.  Sapsuckers tend and defend their sap wells.

I assumed that this bird was feeding on something, either arthropods or sap, but as other birds landed in the oak tree, it would always chase them off.  To the point of making sure that any other birds landing in this tree, left this tree.  I watched this behavior for about thirty minutes, thinking that possibly this bird just didn’t want to share a food rich resource.

When I began to research this phenomenon, I discovered that sapsuckers “create elaborate systems of sap wells and maintain this resource throughout the day to ensure sap production. Because of this large investment in maintenance, sapsuckers defend wells from other sapsuckers, as well as from other species.1

If you look at the photo at the top of this post, it looks like a fresh sap well directly in front of the bird’s beak.  I think that this bird had sap wells all over this tree and on this very warm day it was maintaining those sap wells and keeping all other birds way.

According to Birds of North America Online, “other species make use of sapsucker wells to supplement their food intake with sap or with insects attracted to the sap. Rufous Hummingbirds, for example, appear to be closely associated, ecologically, with both Red-breasted and Red-naped sapsuckers; they place their nests near sap wells, follow sapsuckers in their daily movements, and may even time their migration to coincide with that of sapsuckers so they can feed off the sap wells.1”   Who woulda thought?

Back in the summer of ’09 I wrote a post on a Juvenile Nuttall’s Woodpecker that was foraging in an oak tree and an Anna’s Hummingbird that was feeding out of the sap wells in that tree.  You can see the multitude of sap wells in this live oak tree as the hummingbird feeds.

It’s amazing the things you can discover while researching birds and their behaviors.  It is one of the things I love about bird blogging.

To see more great bird photos, come on over to World Bird Wednesday and bring your own bird photos!

References: 1 Birds of North America Online


Rockin’ with the Rock Wren

Rock Wren (Salpinctes obsoletus) photos by Larry Jordan

Traveling through the oak savanna east of Anderson in Shasta County you can find some amazing things.  Our Audubon chapter frequently enjoys bird outings in this area where we see Horned Larks, bluebirds, woodpeckers, falcons, accipiters and hawks, including one of my favorite hawks, the Ferruginous Hawk.

But once you turn onto Ash Creek Road from Parkville Road and travel just a few miles you begin to see an incredible sight.  A rock wall.

This rock wall was built over the past nine years by a cattle rancher and his crew.  It runs four to five feet tall and five to six feet wide.  The amazing thing is that there is currently about 17 miles of rock wall along Ash Creek and Wildcat Roads!  That’s a lot of rocks!

The coolest thing about these rock walls, besides keeping the cattle off the roadway, is that they create habitat for the Rock Wren.  After getting a report of “Rock Wrens everywhere” from a fellow birder, I decided to head up that way and try and get some good photos of the lively little bird.  As always, click on photos for full sized image.

Rock Wrens can be found primarily in arid or semiarid areas with exposed rock in western North America, from British Columbia and Alberta, through Mexico, down to Costa Rica.

They are very active birds, like most wrens, but they usually don’t offer themselves up for scrutiny for more than a few seconds at a time.  Like Marsh Wrens that usually pop up out of the bulrush for a couple of seconds, then head back into the thick of it, these guys pop up on top of the rock, then dive into a crevice.

Occasionally they will scurry along the top of the rock walls out here and sing.  Audio courtesy of Andrew Spencer, downloaded from Xeno-canto.


On this beautiful sunny day, the Rock Wrens were very active.  Coming out, posing on top of the rock wall, climbing over the rocks and peering into crevices then running out onto the short grass and up atop another rock to pose!

One of the most interesting things about the Rock Wren is its nest building.  The male and female will actually build a pavement that leads up to the nest.  A pathway of stones and sometimes sticks and other material are built at the entrance to the nest cavity before the actual nest is built1. I have never seen this but now that I know where to look, I will search for a nest later this spring, late April or early May.

I was fortunate to watch this guy preening though and took this video.  I set the video to a tune by Leo Kottke that I though fit this bird very well.  At the end of the video you can see the Rock Wren doing its typical “bobbing” motion before it takes off.

In case you didn’t get to see those fluffy feathers during the video (they do move pretty fast), I made a collage of four of the preening photos I took.

For more great bird photos, check out Bird Photography Weekly and come share your own bird photos!