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Those Brazen Female Wilson’s Phalaropes

Wilson’s Phalarope Pair (Phalaropus tricolor) photo by Larry Jordan

Check out my latest West Coast Beat Writer post on the Wilson’s Phalarope over at 10000 Birds!  I think you’ll enjoy it!


The American Avocet, A Striking Shorebird

American Avocet (Recurvirostra americana) photos by Larry Jordan

I spent a couple of days last week in Sierra Valley (in Plumas County) where the headwaters of the middle fork of the Feather River originate.  I found these beautiful American Avocets (Recurvirostra americana) in breeding plumage, wading through flooded fields along with Black-necked Stilts and Wilson’s Phalaropes (click on photos for full sized images).

They usually feed in open water that is less than 8 inches deep but will swim in water that is too deep for wading.

American Avocets feed mainly on aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates, small fish and seeds, using several feeding methods.

They use visual feeding methods of pecking, plunging and snatching.  This bird was standing still and visually searching for prey and then capturing it with a quick jab of its bill.

They will also plunge their head and upper breast into the water or snatch flying insects in their beaks1.  The more common tactile feeding method is to move that very sensitive, long recurved bill side to side in a scything motion.

Every once in awhile they would pause and look up

…seemingly curious about what I was doing.

Then go back to feeding in the shallows showing the distinctive black and white chevron pattern on their backs.

I really enjoyed watching them feed along with the Stilts and Phalaropes. More photos from birds on this trip coming soon!

If you want to see some great bird photos from around the world you have to check out World Bird Wednesday!

References: 1 Birds of North America Online


Turtle Bay Bald Eagles Feeding Eaglets At Nest

Bald Eagle Liberty at Turtle Bay photos by Larry Jordan

The Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) at Turtle Bay were named by the citizens of Redding California, Liberty (the female shown above) and Patriot, the male.  They have been nesting at Turtle Bay since the fall of 2004 (see previous post).

I was waiting for one of the adults to come back to the nest with some food for the eaglets so I could get some photos of them feeding the little ones, though they are not so little any more.  I must have been distracted because I looked up at one point and there was Liberty at the back of the nest pulling off pieces of fish.

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Oak Titmouse Bringing Food to the Nest

Oak Titmouse (Baeolophus inornatus) photos by Larry Jordan

The Oak Titmouse (Baeolophus inornatus) is the first to take up residence on my bluebird trails.  They are just finishing up their one and only brood for the season.  I had two pair nesting on my property and this pair at Lema Ranch.

If you want to see some cute photos of mama bird and her nestlings from last season click here (as always, click on photos for full sized images).

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